These methods allow to get the information of all the products available in the catalogue. APIs are designed to support XML and JSON format. API also come in multiple versions. The current version is "TEAL". The older versions are provided only to support existing customers all new customer should implement only the latest version available. Support for older format will be gradually phased out


Method Url Format
GET /restful/export/api/products.xml XML format
GET /restful/export/api/products.json JSON format


Remember to authenticate properly, using HTTP Basic Authentication with your API-Key as username and your password.

Query Params

Name Description Values Mandatory
v Feed version to be returned LEGACY, TEAL No
acceptedlocales Locale code for languages. The comma separated list of values it_IT, en_US, fr_FR... Yes
since the timestamp of the last update ISO8601 date format No
tag_1 product's brand Any brand name No
tag_4 product's category “clothing”, “accessories”, “bags”, “cosmetics”, “underwear”, “shoes” No
tag_26 product's gender “kids”, “women”, “unisex”, “men” No
tag_11 product's season “fw” (fall/winter), “ss” (spring/summer), “all-year” No

Response Body (XML/JSON Format)

The main tag (page) shows the information about the number of results and the pagination:

This tag (items) contains a collection of items, which show product's informations.

Each tag has many child elements, corresponding to a product's property. The most important ones are:

Tag only available in LEGACY version. Check how to migrate to TEAL format - brand : product brand. In TEAL version use brand product tag. - descriptions : a list of the description with i18n; for each description the locale code is also available. In TEAL version you will find the description within the new localizations tag.

Each model element those attributes: - availability : model availability - backorder : model available to be order even if not available at this time - barcode : model barcode - bestTaxable : the model currently discounted taxable - code : model code - color : model color (may contain not accurate data for some product) - id : model id (unique numeric id) - lastUpdate : model last update date - size : model size. - streetPrice : model retail price tax included - suggestedPrice : model suggested retail price tax included - taxable : the model taxable - localizations : (since TEAL Version) model locale-specific attributes. You may find those tags: size, color - model : (deprecated not to be used) model name

A specific model can be identified by it's id or by product code/product id + size + color.

Response Body XML (TEAL) Example

Request example query: /restful/export/api/products.xml?acceptedlocales=en_US,it_IT&tag_5=black&v=TEAL

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<page totalPages="4" totalNumberOfElements="345" pageSize="100" lastUpdate="""2017-10- 31T14:05:12.322+01:00""" currentPage="1">
        <item xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="product">
            <name>Stivaletto donna</name>
                    <localevalue localecode="it_IT">Stivaletto donna, gambale stretch, zip frontale <br/>- 100% VERA PELLE <br/>- materiale tessile <br/>- Suola: gomma <br/>- Suola altezza: 4 cm</localevalue>
                    <localevalue localecode="en_US">Women's ankle boots, stretch shaft, front zip <br/>- 100% REAL LEATHER <br/>- textile material <br/>- Sole: rubber <br/>- Sole height: 4 cm</localevalue>
                    <localevalue localecode="it_IT">Colore</localevalue>
                    <localevalue localecode="en_US">Color</localevalue>
                        <localevalue urlKey="nero" localecode="it_IT">Nero</localevalue>
                        <localevalue urlKey="black" localecode="en_US">Black</localevalue>
        <item xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="product">...</item>

Response Body JSON (TEAL) Example

Request example query: /restful/export/api/products.json?acceptedlocales=en_US,it_IT&tag_5=black&v=TEAL

    "pageItems": [
            "id": 82105,
            "name": "Stivaletto donna",
            "code": "GD6423",
            "streetPrice": 159,
            "suggestedPrice": 79.9,
            "taxable": 39.9,
            "bestTaxable": 39.9,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "weight": 2,
            "availability": 74,
            "madein": "Italy",
            "hs": "64035119",
            "online": true,
            "intangible": false,
            "images": [
                    "id": 164458,
                    "url": "/prod/stock_GD6423.jpg"
            "models": [
                    "id": 234225,
                    "model": "36",
                    "code": "GD6423_36",
                    "color": "black",
                    "size": "36",
                    "barcode": "",
                    "streetPrice": 159,
                    "suggestedPrice": 79.9,
                    "taxable": 39.9,
                    "bestTaxable": 39.9,
                    "availability": 5,
                    "backorder": false,
                    "lastUpdate": "2020-07-23T09:57:46.090087Z",
                    "modelLocalizations": {
                        "color": {},
                        "size": {}
            "productLocalizations": {
                "description": {
                    "it_IT": {
                        "value": "Stivaletto donna, gambale stretch, zip frontale <br/>- 100% VERA PELLE <br/>- materiale tessile <br/>- Suola: gomma <br/>- Suola altezza: 4 cm"
                    "en_US": {
                        "value": "Women's ankle boots, stretch shaft, front zip <br/>- 100% REAL LEATHER <br/>- textile material <br/>- Sole: rubber <br/>- Sole height: 4 cm"
                "productName": {},
                "metaDescription": {},
                "metaKeywords": {},
                "metaTitle": {}
            "tags": [
                    "id": 5,
                    "name": "color",
                    "hidden": false,
                    "priority": 0,
                    "value": {
                        "value": "black",
                        "localeValues": {
                            "it_IT": {
                                "value": "Nero",
                                "urkKey": "nero"
                            "en_US": {
                                "value": "Black",
                                "urkKey": "black"
                    "localeValues": {
                        "it_IT": {
                            "value": "Colore"
                        "en_US": {
                            "value": "Color"
    "totalItems": 209,
    "lastUpdate": "2020-08-03T13:48:50.910Z",
    "query": ""

Incremental updates(XML and JSON format)

Once you download the whole catalog, you can ask for updates only. The “since” query parameter is used to ask for quantity modifications after a given timestamp. The last update timestamp is retrieved from the “lastUpdate” attribute of the XML “page” tag or JSON root object.

Pay attention:

Response Body XML (LEGACY) Example

Request example query: /restful/export/api/products.xml?acceptedlocales=en_US,it_IT&tag_5=black&v=LEGACY

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<page totalPages="4" totalNumberOfElements="345" pageSize="100" lastUpdate="""2017-10- 31T14:05:12.322+01:00""" currentPage="1">
        <item xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="product">
            <description>Stivaletto donna, gambale stretch, zip frontale <br/>- 100% VERA PELLE <br/>- materiale tessile <br/>- Suola: gomma <br/>- Suola altezza: 4 cm</description>
                    <description>Stivaletto donna, gambale stretch, zip frontale <br/>- 100% VERA PELLE <br/>- materiale tessile <br/>- Suola: gomma <br/>- Suola altezza: 4 cm</description>
                    <description>Women's ankle boots, stretch shaft, front zip <br/>- 100% REAL LEATHER <br/>- textile material <br/>- Sole: rubber <br/>- Sole height: 4 cm</description>
            <name>Stivaletto donna</name>
        <item xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="product">...</item>